Friday, April 29, 2016

Why am I calling this frock rock?

What do women sing about?

The same things as men, right?

Love, loss, want, need. Admiration, desperation, any difficult situation. Politics, sexism, equality.

Some topics differ from those from the male perspective by the very nature of the narrator. Is this what makes me listen to so many female artists over the male counterpart?

A good song is going to move me, no matter the gender of the singer (I am partial to music with vocals), but something drives me to seek out new women in music and to even start a blog about my listening habits.

To me, the term I possibly coined, "frock rock," is about celebrating femininity in any way one sees fit. It can be going on stage in a girlish frock and singing about romance or in can be screaming about the treacherous expectations of man. It can be the flowing white dresses of Florence Welch or Against Me!'s Laura Jane Grace's black sleeve.

For the remainder of 2016, I hope to stay on top of the new music releases from women in the music world who may not have gotten the attention I think they deserved. It's an entirely personal endeavor to help me reflect on what it is about those women rockers that I love so much.

For now, I'm trying to keep things straight-forward before I start spewing about how great 2016 has been music-wise, with new artists (to me), like Lapsley and HINDS, and new music from favorites, like Santigold and Thao with the Get Down Stay Down.

Looking forward to anything? I can't wait for Mitski and The Julie Ruin and Tegan and Sara and Bat for Lashes and...well, maybe I should reign it in for the next post, yeah?

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